The Journaling RESET Workshop for Joy
Wednesday, October 23rd @ 6:00pm
Service Description
In this Workshop we will dive into a 5-step Reset Method to Secure Your Joy & Trust. At our core, we all want peace. We all have heard the saying, 'Let go and let God'. And we agree. But what are the action steps to take to have peace and joy? To give our worries and frustrations to God and feel more peace? During this live Workshop, you will learn and follow a 5-step system, built to help you reset daily, weekly, or any time. This strategy will give you actual steps to take to let go in the moment. As we follow this method, if you truly lean in, you will let go, you will release, throw the problem to God, and even find solutions as you write. Yes, this is a working session where we will write truths and desires to set us free. It is a true WORKshop. Come with your pens and fresh notebooks ready to learn, ready to be honest with you, and ready to work. Put your Faith into action. It's time for JOY!
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